pt. 1. Primal body. A look at where our dietary requirements originated
Grains: are they really a health food?
Digestion and nutrient assimilation: a north-to-south journey
Your gut and the immune connection
Dietary facts: the good, the bad, and the ugly
Dispelling the cholesterol myth
Vitamin D: what all da buzz is about
Making the omega-3 fatty acids connection
The tyranny of trans fats
So, how much natural fat do I need, anyway?
Carbohydrate metabolism 101
Leptin: the lord and master of your hormonal kingdom
Weight management 101 and the path to type 2 diabetes
Taming the carb-craving monster
High fructose corn syrup: a sticky wicket best avoided
What about fiber as an essential carbohydrate?
Adrenal exhaustion: a uniquely modern epidemic
Understanding the role of protein
Our primordial past: understanding mother nature's plan and where we fit in
Using insulin and leptin to our advantage
pt. 2. Primal mind. Feeding your brain: why it matters
How important is fat to the brain?
Where does ADD/ADHD fit in to all of this?
Relief from anxiety and depression in our uncertain world
What about food allergies and sensitivities?
The impact of modern dietary and environmental stress on the brain
pt. 3. Paradise lost. Surviving in a modern world
What generation of Pottenger's cat are you?
Appendixes. A. Where to start?
C. Protein content in foods
D. An abbreviated guide to supplementation
E. The Weston A. Price Foundation
G. Paleo/traditional diet resources and related websites