Sea/ Rebecca Kai Dotlich --
The fifteenth century: Columbus's Voyage, 1492--
Voyage/ Paul R. Janeczko --
The seventeenth century : the Dutch slave trade, 1619--
Cargo/ J. Patrick Lewis--
The seventeenth century: the Mayflower, 1620 --
With fearless faith and everything to lose/ Allan Wolf --
The eighteenth century : the middle passage --
Kidnapped by Aliens/ Marilyn Nelson --
The nineteenth century : The Margaret, 1837--
Margaret (aboard the Margaret)/ Denver Butson --
The nineteenth century: Irish potato famine, 1845-1852 --
The hunger ship/ Georgia Heard --
The twentieth century : the Titanic, 1912 --
Titan/ Lee Bennett Hopkins --
The tweniteth century : the voyage of the MS St. Louis, 1939 --
Blue the color of hope (on the ship St. Louis)/ Jane Yolen --
Return to the reich (on the ship St. Louis)/ Jane Yolen --
The twentieth century: The Mariel boat lift, 1980 --
Carried on swaying waves of hope/ Margarita Engle --
The twenty-first century : Mediterranean refugee crisis, 2014 --
Mediterranean blue/ Naomi Shihab Nye --
The twenty-first century: the Sama-Bajau, present day --
Men of waves and sea/ G. Neri --
Seas seas/ Lee Bennett Hopkins.