Terror, anger, and patriotism: understanding the resistance of black soldiers during World War II / Douglas Bristol
Nisei versus Nazi: Japanese American soldiers in World War II / James M. McCaffrey
Does the sex of the practitioner matter? Nursing, civil rights, and discrimination in Army Nurse Corps in the 1947-1952 / Charissa Threat
An attractive career for women: opportunities, limitations, and women's integration in the Cold War military / Tanya Roth
African Americans, civil rights and the Armed Forces during the Vietnam War / James E. Westheider
Reform in ranks: the history of the defense race relations institute, 1971-2014 / Isaac Hampton, II
Men's and women's liberation: challenges to the warrior myth in the wake of the Vietnam war / Heather Marie Stur
Family planning in the military in the era of Roe v. Wade / Kara Dixon Vuic
The dream that dare not speak its name: legacies of the civil rights movement and the fight for gay military service / Steve S. Estes
Conclusion / Douglas W. Bristol, Jr. and Heather Marie Stur.