Little women / Louisa May Alcott
Episodes from Don Quixote / Miguel de Cervantes
The necklace / Guy de Maupassant
A Christmas carol / Charles Dickens
Hard times / Charles Dickens
The luck of Roaring Camp / Bret Harte
Rappaccini's daughter / Nathaniel Hawthorne
A retrieved reformation / O. Henry
The legend of Sleepy Hollow / Washington Irving
Captains courageous / Rudyard Kipling
Zorro!, or, the curse of Capistrano / Johnston McCulley
The oblong box / Edgar Allan Poe
Frankenstein / Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde / Robert Louis Stevenson
The lady or the tiger? / Frank R. Stockton
The prince and the pauper / Mark Twain.