Chapter 1: Building a Counter App with History Tracking to Establish Fundamentals
Understanding the foundations
widgets, elements, and render objects
Creating an enhanced counter app
Manually caching a widget
Making everything constant
Chapter 2: Building a Race Standings App
Localization and internationalization
Creating the race standings app
Chapter 3: Building a Todo Application Using Inherited Widgets and Provider
Sharing dependencies in a Flutter application
Creating the Todo application
Using InheritedWidget for state management
Refactoring with Provider
Chapter 4: Building a Native Settings Application Using Material and Cupertino Widgets
Understanding that everything is a widget
Building a platform-specific UI
Building an iOS-specific UI with CupertinoApp
Building an Android-specific UI with MaterialApp
Chapter 5: Exploring Navigation and Routing with a Hacker News Clone
Imperative routing with Navigator 1.0
Declarative routing with Navigator 2.0
Simplifying Navigator 2.0 with GoRouter
Chapter 6: Building a Simple Contact Application with Forms and Gestures
Building forms the manual way
Building complex forms with the Form/FormField widgets
Chapter 7: Building an Animated Excuses Application
Working with animations in Flutter
Building implicit animations in Flutter
Building implicit animations using Flutter's animations package
Chapter 8: Build an Adaptive, Responsive Note-Taking Application with Flutter and Dart Frog
Introduction to responsiveness and adaptiveness
Creating REST endpoints for the Notes application
Chapter 9: Writing Tests and Setting Up GitHub Actions
Writing tests for the Flutter app
Writing widget and golden tests
Exploring GitHub actions and repository quality
Creating the GitHub workflow file
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