From the Book - First edition.
Circles and salt / Sara Cleto --
The loch / Zannier Alejandra --
Evening chorus / Lizz Donnelly --
To go west / Laura Van Arendonk Baugh --
Bonne chance confidential / Jack Bates --
The Neugdae / Juliet Harper --
The rescue of Tresses Malone / Alena Van Arendonk --
Daughters of earth and air / Robert E. Vardeman --
Easy as eating pie / Amanda C. Davis --
Accidents are not possible / Sarah Van Goethem --
A princess, a spy, and a dwarf walked into a bar full of Nazis / Patrick Bollivar --
Steel dragons of a luminous sky / Brian Trent --
Ramps and rocket / Alicia K. Anderson --
As the spindle burns / Nellie K. Neves --
Make this water no deeper / Blake Jessop --
One hundred years / Jennifer R. Donohue --
Things forgotten on the cliffs of Avevig / Wendy Nikel.