"Ask the gays" : how to use language to fragment and redefine the public sphere / Norma Mendoza-Denton
The significance of Trump's incoherence / James Slotta
"Get 'em out!" : the meaning of ejecting protestors / Jack Sidnell
Crybabies and snowflakes / Janet McIntosh
The show must go on : hyperbole and falsehood in Trump's performance / Norma Mendoza-Denton
Trump's comedic gestures as political weapons / Donna M. Goldstein, Kira Hall, and Matthew Bruce Ingram
45 as a bullshit artist : straining for charisma / Marco Jacquemet
Plausible deniability / Adam Hodges
Collusion : on playing along with the president / Janet McIntosh
Banter, male bonding, and the language of Donald Trump / Deborah Cameron
On social routines and that Access Hollywood bus / Bruce Mannheim
"Cocked and loaded" : Trump and the gendered discourse of national security / Carol Cohn
Evaluator in chief / Brion van Over
Fake alignments / Sylvia Sierra and Natasha Shrikant
Language and Trump's white nationalist strongman politics / Janet McIntosh
"Perfect English" and white supremacy / H. Samy Alim and Geneva Smitherman
Making our nation fear the powerless / Otto Santa Ana, Marco Antonio Juárez, Magaly Reséndez, John Hernández, Oscar Gaytán, Kimberly Cerón, Celeste Gómez, and Roberto Solís
We Latin Americans know a messianic autocrat when we see one / Norma Mendoza-Denton
Rejoinders from the shithole / Quentin Williams
Muslim enemies, rich Arab friends / Aomar Boum.