From the Book - First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
Part one: Health insurance basics. Game on ; Health insurance: friend and foe ; Heroes I: The health navigator
Brian Lehrschall ; Employers get to work on health care ; The Affordable Care Act and other health plans ; Heroes II: The insurance claims expert
Marsha Meytlis ; Medicare coverage, costs, and concerns ; Medicaid: a program everyone may need
Part two: Your health care team. Heroes III: The letter writer
Julie Greenwood ; Your personal health plan ; Your personal care team ; Heroes IV: The social media maven
Julie Croner ; Your professional care team ; What quality looks like ; Heroes V: The patient advocate
Part three: New health care choices. Unneeded and misdiagnosed care ; When you're in control and when you're not ; Heroes VI: The warrior mother
Cynthia Buness ; Shopping for health care ; Getting and paying for drugs ; Heroes VII: The warrior daughter
Areta Buness ; How to fight back ; When consumers make the call ; Afterword: Through the pandemic looking glass.