Part one. Inequality regimes in history ; Ternary societies : trifunctional inequality
European societies of orders : power and property
The invention of ownership societies
Ownership societies : the case of France
Ownership societies : European trajectories.
Part two. Slave and colonial societies ; Slave societies : extreme inequality
Colonial societies : diversity and domination
Ternary societies and colonialism : the case of India
Ternary societies and colonialism : Eurasian trajectories.
Part three. The great transformation of the twentieth century ; The crisis of ownership societies
Social-democratic societies : incomplete equality
Communist and Post-Communist societies
Hypercapitalism : between modernity and archaism.
Part four. Rethinking the dimensions of political conflict ; Borders and property : the construction of equality
Brahmin left : new Euro-american cleavages
Social nativism : the postcolonial identitarian trap
Elements for a participatory socialism for the twenty-first century
Inequality regimes in history
Slave and colonial societies
The great transformation of the twentieth century
Rethinking the dimensions of political conflict