An introduction to solar eclipses. Colossal celestial spectacles ; Watching people watch eclipses ; What you see and why you see it --
Eclipses in the ancient world. Eclipses computer Stonehenge ; Babylonian decryptions ; Greek science ; The Crucifixion darkness ; Ancient Chinese secrecy ; Maya prediction ; Aztec sacrifice --
Eclipses in the modern age. The rebirth of eclipse science is Islam and Europe ; The New England Eclipses of 1806 ; Expedition to Pike's Peak, 1878 ; New York's Central Park, 1925 --
Lessons from eclipses. The eclipses as cartographer and timekeeper ; Zoologists chasing shadow --
Personal eclipses. Eclipses in culture --
Afterward. A confession --
Appendix. A brief chronology of solar eclipses.