Giving is our future / Blake Mycoskie
Where was the entrepreneurial dinosaur, when we needed him? / Naveen Jain
Work is love made visible / Pascal Finette
Do you create from the light side or the dark side? / Martin Bjergegaard
Simple ways to get super ideas / Richard St. John
Starting without an idea / Camilla Ley Valentin
How to conquer the world without money / Paavo Beckman
From bad taste to Forbes Magazine / Sophie Trelles-Tvede
Music for everyone / Andreas Ehn
Don't underestimate the "product-market fit" phase / Thor Angelo
Learning to become an entrepreneur / Murray Newlands
Leadership from the trenches / Christian Lanng
"B2both": why all startup founders need a growth currency / Lars Fjeldsøe-Nielsen
Catching waves / Erik Anderson
Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint / Mette Lykke
How to build culture / Brian Chesky
Why culture is just as important for tech startups as tech / Tine Thygesen
The entrepreneur's guide to failing in a good way / Hampus Jakobsson
Trust everyone! / Theis Søndergaard
Listen, act, repeat / Craig Newmark
We train people to innovate and then tell them to stop doing so / Tendayi Viki
We are animals with tools / Salim Ismail
Becoming truly data-driven / Danny Lange
The land of lost ambition / Alf Rehn
Curiosity is an irritating underestimated driving force / Julie Kjær-Madsen
The innovator's disaster / Paul Nunes
From capturing to creating value / Nathan Furr
Innovation is born from the struggle / Simon Sinek
You don't need more time / Seth Godin
Pretotype or die / Tim Vang
Startups are not a smaller version of a large company / Steve Blank
When to not trust your gut / Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
Banking is essential, but banks are not / Jacob de Geer
Our hearts and minds will have much more time / Sonia Arrison
Disruption is something you must experience yourself / Jimmy Maymann
How to anticipate the future / Daniel Burrus
The future leader is ethical, passionate, bold and driven by purpose / Sandja Brügmann
The case for authenticity / Todd Dewett
Knowing why you are there / Edgar H. Schein
I want to redefine success in business / Bart Houlahan
Companies with soul / Henry Mintzberg
No idols > authentic vision / Thomas D. Zweifel
Authentic leadership is narcissism / Christian Ørsted
The world of today and tomorrow / Otto Scharmer
Are you an 18 second manager? / Tom Peters.