Ancients. Girl, Interrupted: How Gay Was Sappho?
Deep Frieze: What Does the Parthenon Mean?
Ecstasy and Terror: The Modernity of Euripides' Bacchae
Unburied: Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Lessons of Antigone
JFK, Tragedy, Myth: Classical Paradigms and National Trauma
Epic Fail?: Reading the Aeneid in the Twenty-First Century
As Good as Great Poetry Gets: Cavafy Between Poetry and History
Moderns. The Last Minstrel: Henry Roth's Tormented Life and Work
Brideshead, Revisited: Getting Waugh Wrong
Hail, Augustus!: History and Character in John Williams' Fiction
Weaving New Patterns: The autobiographical novels of Ingmar Bergman
The End of the Road: Patrick Leigh Fermor's Final Journey
The Women and the Thrones: George R. R. Martin's Feminist Epic on TV
The Robots are Winning!: Homer, Ex Machina, and Her
A Whole Lotta Pain: Hanya Yanagihara and the Aesthetics of Victimhood
I, Knausgaard: Fact, Fiction, and the Fuhrer
Personals. The American Boy: An author, a young reader and a life-changing correspondence
Stopping in Vilna: Stendhal Meets the Holocaust in Eastern Europe
The Countess and the Schoolboy: Coming of Age in Charlottesville