Introduction : Happier birthdays, better parties
Part 1. How we got here. The third constitutional crisis
Constitutional gridlock: How a system we managed for two centuries suddenly went off the rails
The end of trust: Experts, the government, and the media
Part 2. The world tour. The European tour: England, France, and Germany
Democratic variations: Israel, Taiwan, Brazil, and Venezuela
Part 3. Three amendments that will fix our broken system. Reinventing the House of Representatives: More voices, more parties, more power
Reinventing presidential elections: The art of coalition politics
Reinventing presidential removal: How "no confidence" instills confidence
Part 4. The politics of ratification and envisioning parliamentary America. Achieving coalition governance: The politics of passing these amendments
Parliamentary America: Toward better politics, further reforms, and a civil society
Conclusion: From "We the People" to "We the framers."