Intro; Table of Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Chapter 1: Introduction to LoRa and LoRaWAN; What Is LoRa?; Amplitude Modulation; Frequency Modulation; Frequency Shift Keying; Chirp Spread Spectrum; LoRa Spread Spectrum Modulation; LoRa Applications; Network Coverage; Example; Low-Power Wide Area Networks; What Is LoRaWAN?; Packet Forwarders; Hardware for End Devices; Hardware for Gateways; LoRaWAN Frequencies; Summary; Chapter 2: Obtaining and Preparing Hardware; LoRa End Node; RFM9x LoRa Radio Transceiver Breakouts; 868 MHz/915 MHz Version; 433 MHz Version
Finding the FrequencyMAC Address; Pins; Power; Serial Peripheral Interface; Assembling Headers; Antenna; Soldering Wire Antenna; Arduino; Mounting Plate; Arduino SPI; Hardware Serial and Software Serial; Power Supply Unit; Sensors; DHT11 Basic Temperature-Humidity Sensor; GPS Breakout; LoRa Gateway; Raspberry Pi; Raspberry Pi Pin Header; Raspberry Pi SPI; Pi T-Cobbler Plus; Dragino LG01 IoT Gateway; Summary; Chapter 3: Setting Up the Software Development Environment; Arduino Integrated Development Environment; Arduino for Windows; Admin Install; Nonadmin Install
Installing Drivers for the ArduinoInstalling Drivers for Uno; Installing Drivers for Metro; Your First Arduino Sketch; Installing the Arduino Libraries; Installing the RadioHead Library; Installing the Adafruit DHT11 Library; Installing the TinyGPS Library; Installing the Arduino LMIC Library; Installing PUTTY; Summary; Chapter 4: Building a Peer-to-Peer Channel; Things You Need; Hardware Setup; Building the Sensor Node; Building the Receiving Node; Writing Sketches; Sensor Node; Receiving Node; Result; Summary; Chapter 5: Building a LoRa Gateway; Things You Need
Installing Raspbian on the Raspberry PiFormatting the SD Card; Writing Raspbian Stretch LITE to the SD Card; Adding Wi-Fi Network Details; Enabling SSH; Inserting the microSD Card into the Raspberry Pi; Building the Gateway; SSHing into Your Raspberry Pi; Enabling SPI Interface; Installing Wiring; Installing and Configuring a Single-Channel Packet Forwarder; Registering Your Gateway with the Things Network; Creating an Application; Building the Sensor Node; Viewing Decoded Payload Data; Summary; Chapter 6: Connecting with IoT Servers Using a RESTful API; Technical Requirements
Using ThingSpeak as the IoT ServerCreating a New Channel; Getting the API Keys; Testing Your Channel with a Web Browser; Testing Your Channel with the LG01 Console; Building the Sensor Node; Uploading Sketch to the Sensor Node; Uploading Arduino Sketch to the LG01; Summary; Chapter 7: Connecting with IoT Servers Using MQTT; Technical Requirements; Using ThingSpeak as the IoT Server; Creating a New Channel; Getting the API Keys; Finding Your MQTT API Key; Testing Your Channel; Building the Sensor Node; Uploading the Sketch to the Sensor Node; Configuring the LG01 Gateway