Prologue: Managing in the gray
Part I: The struggle to criminalize
"Not...bucket-shop operators, dead-beats, and fly-by-night swindlers" : pillars of the community
"Guys...don't drop out of windows for no reason" : creating the white-collar criminal
Part II: Nature or nurture? Reasoning or intuition?
"Inherently inferior organisms" : bad people making bad decisions
"I thought it was all going to pass" : a press release with consequences
"If you don't take it then you will regret it forever" : the triumph of reason
"I never once thought of the costs versus rewards" : intuitive decisions
"I never felt that I was doing anything wrong" : overlooking harm
"If there was something wrong with this transaction, wouldn't people have told me?" : the difficulty of being good
Part III: The business of malfeasance
"You can't make the argument that the public was harmed by anything I did" : misleading disclosure
"Unfortunately, the world is not black and white" : financial reporting fraud
"You go from just being on top of the world" : insider trading
"I thought we were freakin' geniuses" : deceptive financial structures
"You couldn't stop because you would wreck everything" : the Ponzi scheme
"When I look back, it wasn't as if I couldn't have said no" : Bernie Madoff
Conclusion: Toward greater humility.