Ben Barres was known for his groundbreaking scientific work and for his groundbreaking advocacy for gender equality in science. In this book, completed shortly before his death from pancreatic cancer in December 2017, Barres (born Barbara Barres in 1954) describes a life full of remarkable accomplishments-from his childhood as a precocious math and science whiz to his experiences as a female student at MIT in the 1970s to his female-to-male transition...
"A masterful history of the LGBT workforce in AmericaWorkplaces have traditionally been viewed as "straight spaces" in which queer people passed. As a result, historians have directed limited attention to the experiences of queer people on the job. Queer Career rectifies this, offering an expansive historical look at sexual minorities in the modern American workforce. Arguing that queer workers were more visible than hidden and, against the backdrop...
"As a woman, enduring setbacks-and finding fulfillment-on your career path is challenging. We face a lack of support, the effects of unconscious bias and negative assumptions working against us, and disruptive career pauses. Taking Charge of Your Career helps readers navigate the tricky territory of charting a rewarding and meaningful career path. Whether you're new to the workforce, reentering after a pause, or are trying to find your way through...
"This book provides a crucial resource for readers who are investigating trans issues. It takes a diverse and historic approach, focusing on more than one idea or one experience of trans identity or trans history. Transgender: A Reference Handbook is a go-to resource about the transgender experience. The book takes contemporary as well as historic aspects into consideration. It looks at ancient indigenous cultures that honored third, fourth, and fifth...
Written from the author's own experience of transitioning within a major US corporation, this book prepares transgender people with everything they need to know to successfully transition in the workplace. The first guide of its kind, it offers all the practical advice and support trans people need to be able to balance their career ambitions with their personal needs. Many businesses lack specific trans-inclusive HR strategies - this guide fills...