Ten rounds with grandfather clock / Maurice Richardson
The circular valley / Paul Bowles
Signs and symbols / Vladimir Nabokov
The zahir / Jorge Luis Borges
Liane the wayfarer / Jack Vance
Poolwana's orchid / Edgar Mittelholzer
The man who sold rope to the gnoles / Margaret St. Clair
O ugly bird! / Manly Wade Wellman
The gopherwood box / Abraham Sutzkever
My life in the bush of ghosts (excerpt) / Amos Tutuola
A very old man with enormous wings / Gabriel Garcia M�arquez
The anything box / Zenna Henderson
Lean times in Lankhmar / Fritz Leiber
The dreaming city / Michael Moorcock
Cronopios and famas / Julio Cort�azar
Kaya-kalp (metamorphosis) / Initazar Husain
The last dragon in the world / Tove Jansson
The drowned giant / J. G. Ballard
The monster / Satu Waltari
Narrow valley / R. A. Lafferty
The sinister apartment / Mikhail Bulgakov
The origin of the birds / Italo Calvino
The topless tower / Silvina Ocampo
The barbarian / Joanna Russ
The youngest doll / Rosario Ferr�e
The ones that walk away from omelas / Ursula K. Le Guin
Ark of bones / Henry Dumas
Winged creatures / Sylvia Townsend Warner
Linnaeus forgets / Fred Chappell
The erl-king / Angela Carter
The great night of the trains / Sara Gallardo
The tale of dragons and dreamers / Samuel R. Delany
The white horse child / Greg Bear
The dreamstone / C. J. Cherryh
Five letters from an eastern empire / Alasdair Gray
The ice dragon / George R. R. Martin
One time / Leslie Marmon Silko
Sister light, sister dark / Jane Yolen
The luck in the head / M. John Harrison
Warlock at the wheel / Diana Wynne Jones
Mrs. Todd's shortcut / Stephen King
On the dark side of the station where the train never stops / Pat Murphy
After the hurricane / Edgardo Sanabria Santaliz
The girl who went to the rich neighborhood / Rachel Pollack
The bystander / Leena Krohn
Wild boys: Variations on a theme / Karon Joy Fowler
The mole king / Marie Hermanson
What the tapster saw / Ben Okri
The flying creatures of Fra Angelico / Antonio Tabucchi
A mexican fairy tale / Leonora Carrington
The boy in the tree / Elizabeth Hand
TV people / Haruki Murakami
Alice in prague or the curious room / Angela Carter
Moon songs / Carol Emshwiller
The life and adventures of shed number XII / Victor Pelevin
The fellowship of the dragon / Patricia McKillip
Troll bridge / Terry Pratchett
Longing for blood / Vilma Kadleckov�a
A brief visit to Bonnyville / D. F. Lewis
Travels with the Snow Queen / Kelly Link
The neurosis of containment / Rikki Ducornet
The darktree wheel / Rhys Hughes
Tan-tan and dry bone / Nalo Hopkinson
Where does the town go at night? / Tanith Lee
State secrets of Aphasia / Stephen Chapman
The window / Tatyana Tolstaya
The weight of words / Jeffrey Ford
All the water in the world / Han Song
The kite of stars / Dean Francis Alfar
The malady of ghostly cities / Nathan Ballingrud
End of the line / Aimee Bender
I left my heart in Skaftafell / Victor LaValle
tree / Sheree Ren�ee Thomas
La peau verte / Caitlin R. Kiernan
A hard truth about waste management / Sumanth Prabhaker
The arrest of the great mimille / Manuela Draeger
The spring of dongke temple / Qitongren
The wordeaters / Rochita Loenen-Ruiz
Creature / Ramsey Shehadeh
Beyond the sea gate of the scholar-prats of Sarsk�oe / Garth Nix
The bear dresser's secret / Richard Bowes
Table with ocean / Alberto Chimal
The jinn Darazgosh / Musharraf Ali Farooqi.