Wilderness of Flesh / Tory Adkisson --
What Use Is Knowing Anything If No One Is Around / Kaveh Akbar --
The River's Address / Kazim Ali --
Taking a Visitor to See the Ruins / Paula Gunn Allen --
A Vegetarian Goes to H Mart / Ally Ang --
Encountering the Medusa / Gloria Anzald�ua --
Atrophied Prescript: / Aaron Apps --
Asleep You Become a Continent / Francisco Arag�on --
Farmer's Almanac / Brent Armendinger --
Godzilla's Lament / Jubi Arriola- Headley --
Late Echo / John Ashbery --
We're Standing on the Sun / Derrick Austin --
Let me be a lamb in a world that wants my lion / Ruth Awad --
The Little Girl Is Busy Asking Questions about Desire / Cameron Awkward- Rich --
Inventory / Rick Barot --
The Dyke with No Name Thinks about Landscape / Judith Barrington --
Ground State / Samiya Bashir --
Kissing after Illness / Ellen Bass --
Prairie Dogs / Robin Becker --
Poet Wrestling with Why the Heart Feels So Bad / Rosebud Ben- Oni --
Outing, Iowa / Oliver Baez Bendorf --
Pastoral for Effective Teaching / Lillian- Yvonne Bertram --
Creatures of Hurt and Heal / Tamiko Beyer --
Song for the Rainy Season / Elizabeth Bishop --
Break Me To Prove I Am Unbroken / Sophie Cabot Black --
Burning in the Rain / Richard Blanco --
Swimming Hole / Sam Bonosevich --
Regarding the Absent Heat of Your Skin on Letters I Receive While at Sea / Elizabeth Bradfield --
in the cut / Julian Talamantez Brolaski --
Self- Portrait as Land Snail / Nickole Brown --
Hurricane Lyric / Matthew Burgess --
Home / Tara Shea Burke --
Hermit Crab / Stephanie Burt --
For the Feral Splendor That Remains / CAConrad --
Who Holds the Stag's Head Gets to Speak / Gabrielle Calvocoressi --
What I Would Give / Rafael Campo --
On Harvesting Oneself / Kayleb Rae Candrilli --
The Hummingbird / Cyrus Cassells --
Drown / Marcelo Hernandez Castillo --
Lesson of Bread / Jerah Chadwick --
Post Op / Judith Chalmer --
Elegy to Be Exhaled at Dusk / Chen Chen --
Dear O / Ching- In Chen --
Magnified / Justin Chin --
Wildlife / Franny Choi --
Desire as Blue Fog / Chrystos --
Twin Cities / James Cihlar --
[this the forest] / Cody- Rose Clevidence --
Welcome to the Fall / Flower Conroy --
(An Orchid) / S. Brook Corfman --
To a Straight Man / Eduardo C. Corral --
First Date, Hawk Mountain / James Crews --
Youth Sings a Song of Rosebud / Countee Cullen --
Once All the Hounds Had Been Called Home / Meg Day --
The Art of Butterflying / tatiana de la tierra --
These Hands, If Not Gods / Natalie Diaz --
Archaeopteryx / William Dickey --
Could I but ride indefinite / Emily Dickinson --
Wood and Rain / Melvin Dixon --
The Basilisk / Lynn Domina --
Going Home / Qwo- Li Driskill --
Conception Myth / Cheryl Dumesnil --
Sonnet / Alice Moore Dunbar- Nelson --
Often I Am Permitted to Return to a Meadow / Robert Duncan --
Pervert / Julie R. Enszer --
Settling In / Jenny Factor --
once a marine biologist told me octopuses have three hearts / Denice Frohman --
Ode to the Corpse Flower / Benjamin Garcia --
In Transit / R.J. Gibson --
Sunflower Sutra / Allen Ginsberg --
All at Sea / Sarah Giragosian --
pedicles, or this is where / Matty Layne Glasgow --
The Strangers Who Find Me in the Woods / Rigoberto Gonz�alez --
You Form / Rae Gouirand --
A Migration / Jan- Henry Gray --
Heaven and Earth / Miriam Bird Greenberg --
A Kingdom of Longing / Rachel Eliza Griffiths --
Not Children / Benjamin S. Grossberg --
Words for Some Ash / Thom Gunn --
Queerodactyl / Roy G. Guzm�an --
The Sheltered Garden / H.D. --
Untitled / Marilyn Hacker --
The Valley of the Amazons / Eloise Klein Healy --
The Kiss / Christopher Hennessy --
Bottle Gentian / KateLynn Hibbard --
Shadows, Saddle Canyon / Jane Hilberry --
Grafted / Matthew Hittinger --
Idyll / Richie Hofmann --
Demand / Langston Hughes --
Elementary Departures / Christina Hutchins --
Primer / Jessica Jacobs --
A Stranger Asks Where I Am From / Charles Jensen --
Mesquites / Joe Jim�enez --
Late Bloom / Jenny Johnson --
To a Strayed Cat / Stephen Jonas --
Golden Egg / Ever Jones --
Letter to the Local Police / June Jordan --
purple / Britteney Black Rose Kapri --
Love Poem: Chimera / Donika Kelly --
Young Male / Maurice Kenny --
Conservation & Rehabilitation / Alyse Knorr --
Sweet Briar / Melissa Kwasny --
A Little Bit of Ocean / Joy Ladin --
Perianth / Gerrit Lansing --
Breathing You In / Joan Larkin --
Self- Portrait with Scoliosis (II) / Travis Chi Wing Lau --
A Southern Wind / Rickey Laurentiis --
Amphibians / Joseph O. Legaspi --
Love Two Times / Muriel Leung --
Thunder Cake / Mel Michelle Lewis --
poem to my boyfriend's human immunodeficiency virus / Chip Livingston --
Falling, Falling, Then Rain, Then Snow / Su Smallen Love --
Grotesque / Amy Lowell --
[Dear one, the sea . . . ] / Dawn Lundy Martin --
Dove Season / Michael Martella --
The Way the World Comes Back / Janet McAdams --
My Sideshow / J. D. McClatchy --
Coming Out in the Ozarks / Anne Haven McDonnell --
Know My Soul / Claude McKay --
Dear Canaries / Kevin McLellan --
Am�erica / Sarah Mar�ia Medina --
For Two Lovers in the Year 2075 in the Canadian Woods / William Meredith --
The Lovers / James Merrill --
Sonnet IV / Edna St. Vincent Millay --
Eating a Mountain / Deborah Miranda --
Hemispheres / Susanna J. Mishler --
The Complete Tracker / Rajiv Mohabir --
Shared Plight / Kamilah Aisha Moon --
Real Curvature / Rachel Moritz --
Hawk like a Steeple / Alicia Mountain --
He Says, Oyster / Miguel Murphy --
[I always put my pussy] / Eileen Myles --
For the Era of Extraordinary Weather / Jim Nawrocki --
Changeling / Hieu Minh Nguyen --
On Trans / Miller Oberman --
Wild Geese / Mary Oliver --
Three times on the trail, I looked back for you / Kate Partridge --
Toward / Juliet Patterson --
Thrush / Gerry Gomez Pearlberg --
Radiance versus Ordinary Light / Carl Phillips --
Nature Poem with a Compulsive Attraction to the Shark / Xan Phillips --
Migration / Carol Potter --
Landscape with Lymphatic System, System of Rivulets, System of Rivers / D. A. Powell --
Burning Water / Minnie Bruce Pratt --
Lost Season / Alison Prine --
Livestock / Khalisa Rae --
Backyard Rock / Jacques J. Rancourt --
Gerard Manley Hopkins Drafts the Light / Varun Ravindran --
Head of the Gorgon / Justin Phillip Reed --
uncoil / Rita Mae Reese --
Horses in Snow / William Reichard --
Memory as Missionary Position / No'u Revilla --
heart of the bell / heidi andrea restrepo rhodes --
Diving into the Wreck / Adrienne Rich --
Backflash: Hinge / Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers --
Hero Worship / Dakota R. Rottino-Garilli --
How a Thought Thinks / Kay Ryan --
Await / James Schuyler --
Many Things Are True / Ruth L. Schwartz --
Woman Circling Lake / Maureen Seaton --
Unbearable White / Charif Shanahan --
I'm Over the Moon / Brenda Shaughnessy --
Geology of Water / Reginald Shepherd --
Boy with Flowers / Ely Shipley --
November 19, 2016 / Cedar Sigo --
Lovesong of the Square Root of Negative One / Richard Siken --
Love Letter to a Dead Body / Jake Skeets --
What's Required / Aaron Smith --
alternate names for black boys / Danez Smith --
Closing the Gay Bar outside Gas City / Bruce Snider --
Queer Earth / Jess X. Snow --
The Joshua Tree / / Submits Her Name Change / Christopher Soto --
Lifting Belly (II) / Gertrude Stein --
Tonawanda Swamps / James Thomas Stevens --
Visiting the Natural History Museum with the Son I Don't Yet Have / Will Stockton --
The Exchange / May Swenson --
Little Errand / Brian Teare --
Field Song / Amber Flora Thomas --
The War with the Dandelions / Bradford Tice --
the aftermath of what / Arianne True --
Beast Meridian / Vanessa Ang�elica Villarreal --
Instructions for Opening up the Heart / Irene Villase�nor --
Torso of Air / Ocean Vuong --
Butch Geography / Stacey Waite --
A Natural History of Gay Love / Michael Walsh --
The Third Measure Paused & Set to Your Breathing / Michael Wasson --
El Beso / Angelina Weld- Grimke --
Iowa / Valerie Wetlaufer --
Skin Movers / James L. White --
Parable / Jim Whiteside --
Juneberry / Amie Whittemore --
This Compost / Walt Whitman --
A Poem for Trapped Things / John Wieners --
blackbody / Candace Williams --
First Words / Phillip B. Williams --
Root Sutra / Morgan Grayce Willow --
Turing's Theories Regarding Homosexuality / Tobias Wray --
The Trick / Mark Wunderlich --
The Gods among Us / C. Dale Young --
Flora and Fauna / Amanda Yskamp.