Capote's women by Leamer, Laurence
Left on Tenth by Ephron, Delia
Wishful drinking by Fisher, Carrie
Anne Morrow Lindbergh by Hertog, Susan
Gather together in my name by Angelou, Maya
Sontag by Moser, Benjamin
Speak, memory by Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich
The heart of a woman by Angelou, Maya
Brother, I'm dying by Danticat, Edwidge
Lots of candles, plenty of cake by Quindlen, Anna
Why didn't you tell me? by Wong, Carmen Rita
Deep Creek by Houston, Pam
Sometimes you have to lie by Brody, Leslie
In the great green room by Gary, Amy
No more words by Lindbergh, Reeve
Strange tribe by Hemingway, John Patrick
The life of William Faulkner by Rollyson, Carl E
Truman Capote by Plimpton, George
Lies my mother never told me by Jones, Kaylie
After Kathy Acker by Kraus, Chris
Susan Sontag by Schreiber, Daniel
Goodbye to clocks ticking by Monninger, Joseph
All tomorrow's parties by Spillman, Rob
Cockeyed happy by Worden, Darla