2061: Odyssey Three
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RosettaBooks , 2012.
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Centenarian Heywood Floyd, survivor of two encounters with mysterious monoliths, once again confronts Dave Bowman, an independent HAL, and an unseen alien race

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Also in this Series

  • 2001: a space odyssey (Space Odyssey series Volume 1) Cover
  • 2010: odyssey two (Space Odyssey series Volume 2) Cover
  • 2061, odyssey three (Space Odyssey series Volume 3) Cover
  • 3001: The Final Odyssey (Space Odyssey series Volume 4) Cover

Similar Series From Novelist

NoveList provides detailed suggestions for series you might like if you enjoyed this book. Suggestions are based on recommendations from librarians and other contributors.
Readers of hard futuristic Science Fiction will enjoy both Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey series and Benford's Galactic Center. Both contain the human-against-machine story, though Benford's series has more sentient aliens. -- Katherine Johnson
These plot-driven, thought-provoking series share themes of humanity reaching for the stars while caught in the machinations of our historic flaws. They examine our individual and mass psychology through engaging characters and compelling events. Each illustrates influences of artificial intelligence and powerful extraterrestrial races on the progress of human civilization. -- Matthew Ransom
These series explore the manipulation of man by alien races, sometimes understandable, sometimes utterly inscrutable. Either way, readers will be encouraged by human ingenuity, bravery, and perseverance against their foes. -- Mike Nilsson
These hard science fiction series explore complex ideas, overarching accounts of interstellar history, travel between the stars, and human interactions with alien species. The Space Odyssey series also speculates about human relationships with technology. -- Kaitlyn Moore
These thought-provoking hard science fiction series describe how Earth's first contact with advanced alien civilizations could play out. Both feature characters with scientific credibility interacting with computers. In Space Odyssey, astronauts journey into space. In Remembrance, Earth is discovered. -- Alicia Cavitt
In the distant future of Harvest of Stars, the anti-human machine intelligence that rules the universe appears to be the evolutionary goal of Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey. -- Katherine Johnson
The Time Odyssey series expands on some of the questions left unanswered in the Space Odyssey books. -- Katherine Johnson
These series have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction"; and the subjects "space exploration," "space vehicles," and "space flight."
These series have the appeal factors evocative, and they have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction"; and the subjects "space vehicles," "space flight," and "aliens."

Similar Titles From NoveList

NoveList provides detailed suggestions for titles you might like if you enjoyed this book. Suggestions are based on recommendations from librarians and other contributors.
These books have the genre "science fiction"; and the subjects "space exploration," "space vehicles," and "astronauts."
These books have the theme "first contact"; the genre "hard science fiction"; and the subjects "space exploration," "space vehicles," and "astronauts."
These books have the subjects "artificial intelligence," "space vehicles," and "space flight."
These books have the genre "hard science fiction"; and the subjects "artificial intelligence," "space exploration," and "space vehicles."
NoveList recommends "Foundation series" for fans of "Space Odyssey series". Check out the first book in the series.
These books have the theme "first contact"; the genre "hard science fiction"; and the subjects "artificial intelligence," "space exploration," and "space vehicles."
NoveList recommends "Remembrance of Earth's past" for fans of "Space Odyssey series". Check out the first book in the series.
These books have the genre "hard science fiction"; and the subjects "space exploration," "space vehicles," and "astronauts."
These books have the subjects "artificial intelligence," "space exploration," and "space vehicles."
These books have the genre "hard science fiction"; and the subjects "space exploration," "space vehicles," and "astronauts."
These books have the appeal factors thought-provoking and plot-driven, and they have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction."
NoveList recommends "Time odyssey" for fans of "Space Odyssey series". Check out the first book in the series.

Similar Authors From NoveList

NoveList provides detailed suggestions for other authors you might want to read if you enjoyed this book. Suggestions are based on recommendations from librarians and other contributors.
Also a pioneer of "hard" science fiction, Isaac Asimov, like Arthur C. Clarke, writes fantastic adventures of man and outer space. -- Shelley Mosley
Greg Bear's science fiction, like Arthur C. Clarke's, features an emphasis on character development and a deliberately detailed atmosphere. Through his well-developed characters, Bear effectively explores human reactions to entirely plausible technological scenarios and the menace of alien mysteries. -- Katherine Johnson
Both authors write imaginative, detailed, and thoughtful science fiction that explores humanity's ability to cope with vast cosmic mysteries and mind-bending shifts in reality. These authors strike a neat balance between meditative philosophical speculation concerning our vast universe and sympathetic portrayals of ordinary human life. -- Derek Keyser
By imagining plausible technological developments and accurately portraying human characteristics, these descriptive authors create compelling, thought-provoking science fiction. Selfish and altruistic character motives are examined in dramatic situations both aided and challenged by technology. Arthur C. Clarke often depicts more grand scale events, but both concentrate on their characters' perspectives. -- Matthew Ransom
Arthur C. Clarke and Annalee Newitz combine speculative fiction and hard science in their thought-provoking and dramatic work. Newitz' writing focuses on well-developed characters, while Clarke's is full of descriptive prose. -- Stephen Ashley
Both David Brin and Arthur C. Clarke are known for writing thought-provoking hard science fiction. Their dramatic and descriptive plot-driven stories about advanced alien species and human colonies in space explore complex political ideas and ethical concerns. -- Alicia Cavitt
Though Arthur C. Clarke's catalog is exclusively science fiction and Lee Mandelo's also includes horror and fantasy, both are known for thought-provoking stories that frequently incorporate real science. -- Stephen Ashley
In their imaginative and intricately plotted science fiction stories, Arthur C. Clarke and Cixin Liu highlight hard and theoretical science by including characters with solid scientific backgrounds. Both authors write realistically about space travel and artificial intelligence and give their extra-terrestrial creations unique, though sometimes obscure, motivations and capabilities. -- Alicia Cavitt
Fans of thought-provoking and compelling science fiction that emphasizes the science will enjoy the works of Arthur C. Clarke and S. B. Divya. Both frequently set their work in the depths of space and focus on artificial intelligence. -- Stephen Ashley
These authors' works have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction classics"; and the subjects "space vehicles," "space exploration," and "space flight."
These authors' works have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction classics"; and the subjects "space vehicles," "space exploration," and "space flight."
These authors' works have the genres "hard science fiction" and "science fiction classics"; and the subjects "space vehicles," "space exploration," and "aliens."

Published Reviews

Booklist Review

Heywood Floyd, now the oldest man alive, is aboard a spaceship that races to the rescue of a sistership stranded on Europa, the one world denied to humankind in the last message from the alien Monoliths. Third in the series that began with 2001: Space Odyssey. [BKL N 1 87 Upfront]

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
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Library Journal Review

Fifty years after the alien message forbidding humans to approach the moon Europa, an expedition to Halley's Comet is forced to violate the prohibition in the name of mercy. Though lacking the lyrical prose of The Songs of Distant Earth , Clarke's latest addition to the story begun in 2001: a space odyssey will entertain fans of the ``black monolith.'' For large sf collections. JC (c) Copyright 2010. Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.

(c) Copyright Library Journals LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Media Source, Inc. No redistribution permitted.
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Kirkus Book Review

Clarke's Odyssey yarns, like Herbert's Dune and Asimov's Foundation, have been self-perpetuating if, thus far, unimpressive. The far superior Kubrick movie overshadowed 2001; 2010 was inventive but flatly undramatic. This, happily, is the most gripping and stimulating entry to date. Savvy readers will be tipped off by the title date: yes, Halley's comet is returning to the inner solar system. Aboard state-of-the-art spaceship Universe, a crew of scientists--including Heywood Floyd, now ancient but still fit, thanks to years of low-gravity living--will rendezvous with, and land on, Halley's comet. Meanwhile, astronomers in the Jupiter system observe the appearance of a huge, enigmatic mountain on the moon Europa. (Readers will recall that, in 2010, the intelligence controlling the ubiquitous monoliths turned Jupiter into a mini-sun in order to foster the development of intelligent life on Europa; humans were warned to keep off.) Then, a ship touring the Jovian moons is forced to crash-land on Europa by a fanatical Afrikaner saboteur. Why? Well, the embittered, vengeful Afrikaners (booted out of South Africa) have learned that the mountain on Europa is made of--pure diamond! (An irresistible prize as far as the Afrikaners are concerned.) Ship Universe speeds to the rescue--but what of the ban against landing on Europa? Will the still-mysterious, immensely powerful monoliths interfere? With starchild Dave Bowman and computer Hal waiting in the wings, Clarke provides intriguing and satisfying answers. The all-round best Odyssey so far. Indeed, Clarke, with an absorbing blend of scientific extrapolation and events that generate their own tension, has returned to something like Vintage form after years in the fictional doldrums. Copyright ©Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
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Library Journal Reviews

Fifty years after the alien message forbidding humans to approach the moon Europa, an expedition to Halley's Comet is forced to violate the prohibition in the name of mercy. Though lacking the lyrical prose of The Songs of Distant Earth , Clarke's latest addition to the story begun in 2001: a space odyssey will entertain fans of the ``black monolith.'' For large sf collections. JC Copyright 1987 Cahners Business Information.

Copyright 1987 Cahners Business Information.
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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)

Clarke, A. C. (2012). 2061: Odyssey Three . RosettaBooks.

Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Clarke, Arthur C. 2012. 2061: Odyssey Three. RosettaBooks.

Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Clarke, Arthur C. 2061: Odyssey Three RosettaBooks, 2012.

Harvard Citation (style guide)

Clarke, A. C. (2012). 2061: odyssey three. RosettaBooks.

MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)

Clarke, Arthur C. 2061: Odyssey Three RosettaBooks, 2012.

Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.

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