Duke Most Wicked: A Wallflowers vs. Rogues Novel
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Bell, Lenora Author
HarperCollins , 2022.
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USA Today bestselling author Lenora Bell returns to the Wallflowers vs. Rogues series with a brilliant new novel about a scandalous duke and a wallflower with a secret.

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a wicked duke who has gambled away his fortune must be in want of an heiress.

Scarred by a dark secret, Brandan Delamar, Duke of Westbury, must concede his misdeeds have finally caught up with him. With five younger sisters to support, he must marry for money.

Sunny and steadfast, Viola Beaton is no heiress. As music instructor to the duke’s sisters, she’s developed a genuine affection for the bright young ladies. Unfortunately, she’s also developed a forbidden passion for her wildly attractive employer. 

It must be the way he inspires her to compose sonatas about moonlight and kisses. Or how his gaze smolders and lingers on her skin. Or because he makes her heart whisper impossible things.

When Westbury decrees that he’ll choose not only a bride, but grooms for his sisters, Viola can’t allow him to curtail their freedom. She strikes a bargain: if he allows his sisters to attend the Season, Viola will chaperone them and keep them safe from scandal.

Only…what if Viola and the duke are the ones most likely to cause a scandal? 

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Also in this Series

  • Love is a rogue (Wallflowers vs. rogues Volume 1) Cover
  • The devil's own duke (Wallflowers vs. rogues Volume 2) Cover
  • Duke most wicked (Wallflowers vs. rogues Volume 3) Cover

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These series have the appeal factors steamy, and they have the theme "for richer, for poorer"; the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "aristocracy," "nobility," and "dukes and duchesses."
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These series have the theme "for richer, for poorer"; the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "single women," "aristocracy," and "nobility."

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These books have the appeal factors steamy, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "single women," and "secrets"; and characters that are "well-developed characters."
These books have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "single women," and "aristocracy."
These books have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "single women," and "aristocracy."
These books have the appeal factors steamy, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "aristocracy," and "interclass romance."
These books have the appeal factors steamy, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "single women," and "secrets"; and characters that are "well-developed characters."
These books have the appeal factors romantic, and they have the theme "forbidden love"; the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "aristocracy," and "reputation."
In these steamy opposites-attract Regency romances, wallflowers and aristocratic rogues team up for practical reasons and discover they're perfect for each other. -- NoveList Contributor
These books have the themes "for richer, for poorer" and "marriage of convenience"; the genre "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "single women," and "aristocracy."

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Julia Quinn and Lenora Bell both write steamy Regency romances filled with witty banter and well-developed characters. Their novels balance the emotional heft of their stories with a dash of humor. -- Halle Carlson
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These authors' works have the appeal factors steamy and banter-filled, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "sexual attraction," and "womanizers."
These authors' works have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "british history," and "womanizers"; and characters that are "well-developed characters."
These authors' works have the appeal factors banter-filled, and they have the genre "regency romances"; the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "mate selection," and "womanizers"; and characters that are "well-developed characters."
These authors' works have the appeal factors steamy and banter-filled, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "womanizers," and "nobility."
These authors' works have the appeal factors steamy and banter-filled, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "british history," and "womanizers."
These authors' works have the appeal factors steamy and banter-filled, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "sexual attraction," and "womanizers."
These authors' works have the appeal factors banter-filled, and they have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; and the subjects "dukes and duchesses" and "mate selection."
These authors' works have the genres "historical romances" and "regency romances"; the subjects "dukes and duchesses," "british history," and "womanizers"; and characters that are "well-developed characters."

Published Reviews

Booklist Review

Brandon Delamar, duke of Westbury, did not employ Viola Beaton to peevishly lecture him on his wicked ways. He hired her as his sisters' music instructor. However, the outspoken Miss Beaton may have a valid point when she informs West that if he doesn't do something to rebrand his reputation with polite society, his sisters' chances at securing suitable matches will definitely be in jeopardy. So when West announces his intentions to turn over a new leaf, beginning with his engagement to Vanessa Chandler, an American heiress who is happy to marry him for his title, why does the news make Viola so cranky? With the latest swooningly romantic addition to her Wallflowers vs. Rogues series, Bell (The Devil's Own Duke, 2021) delivers an exquisitely composed historical romance powered by a generous measure of buoyant wit, including a blink-and-you'll-miss-it nod to one of the most famous scenes in the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice and an abundance of scintillating sensuality.

From Booklist, Copyright (c) American Library Association. Used with permission.
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Publisher's Weekly Review

Bell's middling third Wallflowers vs. Rogues historical romance (after The Devil's Own Duke) pairs aspiring composer Viola Beaton and the wicked Brandan "West" Delamar, Duke of Westbury. West is so ruinous a rake that he's gambled away his sisters' dowries, but upon realizing the damage he's done to their futures, he attempts to reform. Part of that means courting an American heiress to replenish the empty coffers, a subplot that ends abruptly halfway through the book, and the other is engaging Viola, his sisters' music teacher, as the ladies' chaperone. Viola needs the job as her Beethoven-esque composer father is going deaf, and his patron, Lord Sprague, wants Viola to pay off her father's debts by becoming his mistress. However, working so closely with West only increases Viola's long-standing infatuation with him, and West soon worries that he cannot bring himself to marry for money when he is so smitten with Viola. Though there isn't much to differentiate this from others in the crowded historical romance field, the sex scenes are full of feeling and the anachronism-laden plot makes room for some girl power moments. For Bell's diehard fans, that will be enough. Agent: Alexandra Machinist, ICM Partners. (Oct.)

(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved
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Kirkus Book Review

A musician plays her way into the heart of a duke. Miss Viola Beaton has an unusual name, but it's a good fit for the spinster daughter of a world-renowned (and now shunned) composer. She herself is an excellent composer but shields her work behind a male pseudonym and, to keep her small family from penury, focuses most of her energy on being a music instructor to the five sisters of the Duke of Westbury. Well, and maybe a little energy on peeking at the duke himself, Brandan Delamar. He's attractive but entirely off-limits; in any event, he's also known as "Wicked Westbury" and known to deliberately avoid his noble obligations after a lifetime of shame and cruelty from his father. But when he discovers that his neglect and family debt have ruined his sisters' chances at decent marriages, he pledges to reform. His obtuse early attempts to make amends earn him a stern talking-to from Viola, and their first clash brings their chemistry into view. He realizes she's crucial to a happy household, and they work together more closely as he searches for a proper duchess with a proper fortune and she helps prepare the girls for their season. A series of dramatic incidents heighten the passion between them, but both have serious debts that loom over their budding love and might crush it entirely. The third Wallflowers vs. Rogues title focuses on another member of London's proto-feminist Boadicea Club but doesn't have quite the spark of earlier entries. Though the intimate scenes between Viola and Brandan are steamy, and there are the usual humorous moments readers expect from Bell, the plot is bland, and the frequent musical metaphors can be distracting. Brandan isn't quite as wicked as his nickname would suggest, though he's a serviceable rake archetype. But fans of the series will still find moments to love, including a first-class proposal, and the relationships between Viola and Brandan's sisters are a particular high point. A bland historical romance with occasional grace notes. Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.

Copyright (c) Kirkus Reviews, used with permission.
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Booklist Reviews

*Starred Review* Brandon Delamar, duke of Westbury, did not employ Viola Beaton to peevishly lecture him on his wicked ways. He hired her as his sisters' music instructor. However, the outspoken Miss Beaton may have a valid point when she informs West that if he doesn't do something to rebrand his reputation with polite society, his sisters' chances at securing suitable matches will definitely be in jeopardy. So when West announces his intentions to turn over a new leaf, beginning with his engagement to Vanessa Chandler, an American heiress who is happy to marry him for his title, why does the news make Viola so cranky? With the latest swooningly romantic addition to her Wallflowers vs. Rogues series, Bell (The Devil's Own Duke, 2021) delivers an exquisitely composed historical romance powered by a generous measure of buoyant wit, including a blink-and-you'll-miss-it nod to one of the most famous scenes in the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice and an abundance of scintillating sensuality. Copyright 2022 Booklist Reviews.

Copyright 2022 Booklist Reviews.
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Library Journal Reviews

The third book in Bell's "Wallflowers vs. Rogues" series (following The Devil's Own Duke) features the rogue Brandan Delamar, Duke of Westbury, who seems well on his way to ruining his life beyond repair. Only the realization that his self-destructive behavior is beginning to affect his sisters' prospects—and a stern dressing down from their music instructor Viola—serve to wake him up at last. Viola isn't the heiress that Brandan will need to save his estate and his sisters' futures, but she refuses to sit quietly by while he makes disastrous choices for her charges. She harbors her own secrets as well, including the fact that her employer might have inspired her to compose the odd sonata or two in the wee hours of the night. As they spend more time together trying to repair his reputation and fortune, this duke most wicked no longer finds the idea of salvation via a wealthy wife palatable. Can Brandan save his family's fortunes and still follow his heart? VERDICT Bell's latest book features a hero with an impressive redemptive arc and a heroine who believes in him. Perfect for readers who binged Bridgerton.—Rebecca Moe

Copyright 2022 Library Journal.

Copyright 2022 Library Journal.
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Publishers Weekly Reviews

Bell's middling third Wallflowers vs. Rogues historical romance (after The Devil's Own Duke) pairs aspiring composer Viola Beaton and the wicked Brandan "West" Delamar, Duke of Westbury. West is so ruinous a rake that he's gambled away his sisters' dowries, but upon realizing the damage he's done to their futures, he attempts to reform. Part of that means courting an American heiress to replenish the empty coffers, a subplot that ends abruptly halfway through the book, and the other is engaging Viola, his sisters' music teacher, as the ladies' chaperone. Viola needs the job as her Beethoven-esque composer father is going deaf, and his patron, Lord Sprague, wants Viola to pay off her father's debts by becoming his mistress. However, working so closely with West only increases Viola's long-standing infatuation with him, and West soon worries that he cannot bring himself to marry for money when he is so smitten with Viola. Though there isn't much to differentiate this from others in the crowded historical romance field, the sex scenes are full of feeling and the anachronism-laden plot makes room for some girl power moments. For Bell's diehard fans, that will be enough. Agent: Alexandra Machinist, ICM Partners. (Oct.)

Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly.

Copyright 2022 Publishers Weekly.
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APA Citation, 7th Edition (style guide)

Bell, L. (2022). Duke Most Wicked: A Wallflowers vs. Rogues Novel . HarperCollins.

Chicago / Turabian - Author Date Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Bell, Lenora. 2022. Duke Most Wicked: A Wallflowers Vs. Rogues Novel. HarperCollins.

Chicago / Turabian - Humanities (Notes and Bibliography) Citation, 17th Edition (style guide)

Bell, Lenora. Duke Most Wicked: A Wallflowers Vs. Rogues Novel HarperCollins, 2022.

Harvard Citation (style guide)

Bell, L. (2022). Duke most wicked: a wallflowers vs. rogues novel. HarperCollins.

MLA Citation, 9th Edition (style guide)

Bell, Lenora. Duke Most Wicked: A Wallflowers Vs. Rogues Novel HarperCollins, 2022.

Note! Citations contain only title, author, edition, publisher, and year published. Citations should be used as a guideline and should be double checked for accuracy. Citation formats are based on standards as of August 2021.

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